Our Heavy Duty Stainless Steel Pegs are included in the Extenders Kits (which increase the size of the units as your children grow) and hold the units firmly to the ground, so they are stable and secure for the vigorous swinging these bigger units allow. They also come with any units with a Wave Slide – this enables several children to be waiting on the ladder at once, without the risk of the unit tipping. Otherwise, all of our units, being made of strong heavy steel, are very safe and stable, but if you do choose to peg your unit down, we will happily sell you some pegs. A set of 6 is used for one of our standard Gyms – one for each leg and 2 for the ladder. The Gyms are strong and stable, so pegs are not usually required at the standard height. We do recommend pegging Extended (2.1 metres high) Gyms and pegs are included in the Extender Kits.
$7.50 per peg including GST